
Rade Law LLC

FDA Issues Guidance with Intent to Delay Enforcement of Law — A Complex Compliance Challenge:  Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA)

One could almost hear a collective sigh of relief in the cosmetic industry on November 8, 2023. That day, the ...

Halloween Safety Tips 2021

Halloween is approaching. The enthusiasm for it grows each year, at least in my neighborhood. Pretty scary out there! No ...
Rade Law LLC

Access to Unique Device Identification

There is a new website in town relevant to all medical devices called AccessGUDID.   You decide if it is a catchy, ...
Rade Law LLC

Baby Wipes, the FDA, and Your Baby’s Bottom

With many friends who have delivered babies recently or who have been blessed with new grandchildren, it seems a good ...
Rade Law LLC

The SEC Set Smith & Wesson in its Sight – FCPA Violations

When the business market is saturated with your products, what’s next? Look to the global market. That’s just what Smith & ...
Rade Law LLC

Hummus – Struggling for a New Standard of Identity?

According to a HuffPost Taste post last year, there are at least 21 ways to make a better hummus, and a ...

